Do You or a Loved One Suffer from Allergies or Asthma?
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Asthma - The Strangler Within

Death rates due to asthma and bronchitis have gone up six-fold over the last 10 years.  What's going on?


Exercise, Irritants, Medications, Emotion, Weather, Allergies, Viral Infections

Common Allergen Triggers:

Pets, Food, Pollens, Molds, House Dust

  Other Causes:

  * Hypochlorhydria - lack of gastric juice
  * Glandular Insufficiences - esp. Adrenals
  * Vitamin Deficiencies - esp. C, E, and B's
  * Mineral Deficiencies - esp. Selenium & Magnesium
  * Drugs - over 2/3 of drug-related asthmatic reactions are due to painkillers, with aspirin causing over half of these

Asthmatic & bronchitis patients often use inhalers containing a muslce-relaxing medication which can very effectively relieve an acute asthma attack by immediately opening the bronchial tubes.

  BUT this does not treat the CAUSE - it only suppresses the problem.

  AND prolonged use leads to reduced immune & endocrine functions.

The spasms that characterize the acute attack are not the cause of the disorder but a result of chronic inflammation and hypersensitivity of the airways to certain stimuli.

This disease can be successfully overcome with natural therapies!


Antioxidants & Asthma in Children



Check out Drug Interactions and Depletions